3 Quotes & Sayings By John B Arden

John B. Arden is a media, marketing and social media consultant and author. He is the author of several books, including: Leading the Digital Revolution: How to Thrive in a Connected World (CMP Books, 2012), and The Marketing Revolution (CMP Books, 2010). He is also the founder of The Arden Group, a communications consulting firm which specializes in digital marketing strategy and social media.

Thousands of years ago, when our ancestors encountered a predatory animal like a lion, it was best to react immediately and not stand around thinking about the lion, admiring its beauty or wondering why it was bothering them instead of tracking down some tasty antelope. Thus, the fast track to the amygdala kept our ancestors alive. John B. Arden
By focusing on possibilities, you can see more than a potential light at the end of the tunnel. The light doesn't have to be at the end of the tunnel; it can illuminate an opportunity wherever you are. John B. Arden